English 105/i Teaching Fellows
Teaching in the UNC Writing Program
As a teaching fellow in the Writing Program, you will primarily teach English 105, a required first-year writing course that introduces students to academic writing across the disciplines. New teaching fellows prepare to teach this course by taking English 706, a graduate practicum in rhetoric and composition that focuses on developing effective pedagogical strategies for English 105, while also providing theoretical background needed to speak with authority about academic writing. The writing program also offers intensive preparation for teaching during an orientation for new instructors the week before classes start in the fall semester.
The Writing Program provides ongoing support and professional development for Teaching Fellows (or “TFs” as we call them). This includes ongoing workshops, mentoring in the form of our Peer Mentoring Committee (PMC), and support for professional development, such as attending an outside conference or workshop that focuses on writing pedagogy.
After teaching English 105 for four semesters, TFs are eligible for other teaching opportunities, such as introductory literature courses and recitations for large lectures. In the Writing Program, this includes specialized writing in the disciplines courses, English 105i, English 100 (Basic Writing), and the potential to teach other advanced writing courses (based on program needs).
Our TFs are excellent instructors. Each year we recognize three outstanding TFs with awards to recognize their teaching: the Earl Hartsell Award, the James R. Gaskin Award, and the Doris Betts Award.