Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion
The Department supports the University’s core values encouraging diversity and equal educational and employment opportunities throughout the University community. The University does not discriminate in offering access to its educational programs and activities on the basis of age, color, disability, gender, gender expression, gender identity, genetic information, national origin, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or veteran status. See the University’s non-discrimination policy for more details.
even this acknowledgement is an incomplete document as we work to fill the gaps about the history of this land
The Department of English and Comparative Literature recognizes the land and sovereignty of Native and Indigenous nations in Chapel Hill, in North Carolina, in North America, and across the world. We acknowledge that UNC’s land history includes a dispossession of people who first lived here, a dispossession that profited the University at the expense of sovereign indigenous nations.

Statement on BOT’s Decision Regarding Nikole Hannah-Jones’s Appointment
As members of the faculty of the Department of English and Comparative Literature, we write to express our alarm about the recent denial of tenure of Nikole Hannah-Jones for an endowed Knight professorship at the UNC Hussman School of Journalism and Media.

ECL Supports Professor Heidi Kim’s statement on the March 16th shootings in Atlanta
Asian American Center Director Dr. Heidi Kim on March 16 shootings in Atlanta. It gives me great sorrow to write to all of you again about anti-Asian violence, but I wanted to reach out in the wake of last night’s shootings.

ECL’s Statement of Support of the Black Lives Matter Movement
George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Sandra Bland, Akiel Denkins…And too many more. A movement powered by generations that include our own students and alums- the Black Lives Matter Movement- has taken up the call. The Department of English & Comparative Literature supports the movement for Black lives.
ECL Offerings:
Featured Stories

The Latina/o Cultures Speakers’ Series Looks Forward to this Semester’s Speakers
Collaboratively, Dr. DeGuzmán, Dr. Irizarry, and the LSP Crew—graduate assistants Ryan Carroll, Meleena Gil, René Marzuk, Victoria Valle, and Cody Ward—have lined up several exciting speakers for this Spring 2024.

2024 Frank B. Hanes, Writer-in-Residence, Terrance Hayes
2024 Frank B. Hanes Writer-in-Residence, Terrance Hayes, will give a reading on Tuesday, February 27 at 7:30pm in Moeser Auditorium. The reading is free and open to the public.

Meet the Faculty: Daelena Tinnin-Gadson
The DOECL is excited to welcome Professor Daelena Tinnin-Gadson!
Student Spotlights

Student Spotlight: Audrey Zhou
Meet Audrey Zhou, a creative writing minor whose story was accepted to the high-profile literary magazine Strange Horizons!

ECL Undergraduate Ash Chen’s poetry exhibited at Eno Arts Mill
ECL Undergraduate Ash Chen’s poetry was ehibited at the Eno Arts Mill, run by the Orange County Arts Commission, in the Coalesce 2024 exhibition. Click here to read more!

Student Spotlight: Malika Amoruso
Meet Malika Amoruso, a senior double majoring in English and Comparative Literature and Biology who has accumulated a wealth of unique research experience!