News & Events
Dr. John Ribo (PhD ‘15) Honored for Accomplishments at Florida State University

Earlier this year, Ribo received a McKnight Junior Development Fellowship from the Florida Education Fund, an award that aims to promote “excellence in teaching and research by underrepresented minorities and women.”
ECL Faculty Use SURF Grants to Promote Undergraduate Research in the Humanities

SURF is a program through which students engage in undergraduate research, scholarship, or performance for at least 9 weeks.
Silent Sam Speaks

The Faculty of the Department of English and Comparative Literature pledge through our teaching, research, and public service to continue the hard work of rooting out racism and inequality and to replace them with “light and liberty,” the motto of our university.
Alane Salierno Mason (‘86) Discusses Her Career in Publishing at Flyleaf Books

This coming Monday, November 19 at 5PM, UNC Department of English and Comparative Literature alumna and senior editor at W. W. Norton & Company Alane Salierno Mason will discuss editing and publishing at Flyleaf Books.
William Blake Archive Publishes Digital Edition of Blake’s Early Pencil Drawings

Through these pencil sketches, viewers are given a unique perspective into the thought process behind the creation of a masterpiece.
English Honor Society Sigma Tau Delta Welcomes 21 New Members

Founded in 1924, Sigma Tau Delta is an international organization that recognizes excellence in English and Comparative Literature. Only students in the top 35% of their undergraduate class are eligible.
Dr. David Davis (PhD ’06) awarded 2018 Eudora Welty Prize

Dr. David A. Davis, assistant professor of English at Mercer University (PhD ’06, UNC-CH), was awarded the Eudora Welty Prize during the 30th annual Eudora Welty Writers’ Symposium
Randall Kenan Inducted into NC Literary Hall of Fame

The North Carolina Literary Hall of Fame celebrates and promotes the state’s rich literary heritage by “commemorating its leading authors and encouraging the continued flourishing of great literature.”
The Critical Speaking Series Presents Dr. Mark Seltzer

Dr. Seltzer will lead a seminar entitled “Systems as Usual: Art in the Epoch of Social Systems” and give a talk about “Exercise Machines” on November 1st.
Dr. Connie Eble Awarded Thomas Jefferson Award

The Department of English and Comparative Literature would like to extend a hearty congratulations to Dr. Eble and thanks her for her many exemplary years of research, teaching, service, and dedication to the Department.
Reading and Book Signing by Tim Z Hernandez, “They Call You Back”
February 12 @ 4:30 pm - 5:30 pm Donovan Lounge, Greenlaw 223Armfield Poetry Reading with Dana Levin
February 27 @ 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm Epilogue BooksCSS Lecture: Rethinking Points of Symmetry: Early American and Appalachian Studies
March 3 @ 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm Donovan Lounge, Greenlaw 223A Reading with Alexander Chee: Hanes Writer in Residence
March 18 @ 7:30 pm - 8:30 pm Hill Hall, Moeser AuditoriumA Reading with Jared Lemus: Kenan Visiting Writer
April 3 @ 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm Donovan Lounge, Greenlaw 223Premodern Literature and Culture Colloquium: Dr. Markus Cruse
February 13 @ 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm Donovan Lounge, Greenlaw 223