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Student Spotlight: Tiffany Tran

September 20, 2019

Meet Tiffany Tran, this week’s undergraduate student spotlight! “Picking up the ECL minor helped me find new enjoyments while also improving skills that I believe are essential!”

Student Spotlight: Lydia Thompson

August 20, 2019

ECL is taking Lydia Thompson to the Happiest Place on Earth, other than Greenlaw Hall! Not only is Lydia a great student, one of the 2018-2019 “Top Ten Scholar Athletes,” but she is also now an intern at Walt Disney World!

Student Spotlight: Andreamarie Efthymiou

July 26, 2019

Andreamarie Efthymiou, an undergraduate who had originally placed herself on the pre-med track, quickly found herself more at home in the English and Comparative Literature Department than anywhere else.

Student Spotlight: Isabella St. Onge

July 19, 2019

Isabella St. Onge, a double ECL and theatre major, demonstrates the perfect example of one student finding a way to connect two seemingly disengaged topics for the benefit of both fields.