2023 ECL Senior Honors Thesis Students
Congratulations to this year’s Senior Honors Thesis students!
Congratulations to this year’s Senior Honors Thesis students!
Last November, DOECL Professor Stephanie DeGooyer published Before Borders: A Legal and Literary History of Naturalization through Johns Hopkins University Press.
Congrats to the Senior Honors Fiction Thesis students graduating this May! They will be reading from their works on April 17-18.
Meet one of the most recent additions to the DOECL’s faculty: Graham Culbertson.
Skjellum-Salmon was selected for the 2023 Community Engagement Fellowship through the Carolina Center for Public Service to fund their collaboration with local drag artists in Durham, NC.
Congrats to the Senior Honors Creative Nonfiction Thesis students graduating this May! They will be reading from their works on April 19-20.
The innovative pedagogy and space of the DOECL’s Greenlaw Gameroom was recently featured by CBS17 (Raleigh).
2023 Frank B. Hanes Writer-in-Residence, Monique Truong’s reading Tuesday, March 28, 2023 7:30pm in Moeser Auditorium in Hill Hall on UNC Campus.
The IAH recently reflected on Prof. Alan Shapiro’s two terms in the Faculty Fellowship Program.
Congratulations to Professor Inger Brodey and her team of dedicated collaborators for being awarded their second grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities!