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Jane Thrailkill Releases Book on James Siblings

December 17, 2021

DOECL Professor Jane Thrailkill released last November her new academic monograph, Philosophical Siblings: Varieties of Playful Experience in Alice, William, and Henry James.

Student Spotlight: Latonya Dalton

November 30, 2021

As we continue to highlight the wide array of students in the DOECL, we’re turning our attention to non-traditional student Latonya Dalton,

Seven ECL Majors to be Inducted into Phi Beta Kappa

October 26, 2021

Congratulations to Megan Anderson Busbice, Michaela Faith Campbell, Emily Lauren Clemente, Katie Margaret Leonard, Jamie Marie Lukow, Lucas Kennedy, and Li-Anne W Wright on being inducted into Phi Beta Kappa.