by Ryan Carroll
The English and Comparative Literature Department congratulates seven ECL majors for having been accepted into the Alpha of North Carolina Chapter of the Phi Beta Kappa honor society. Founded in 1776, Phi Beta Kappa is the oldest national honors society in the United States, and retains a prestigious reputation for valuing liberal arts education while celebrating academic excellence. Only 10 percent of universities in the country are eligible to host chapters of the society, and within those universities, only 10 percent of arts and sciences graduates are invited to join. Students are evaluated on the quantity and quality of liberal arts coursework they have completed as an undergraduate.
This fall’s ECL inductees include Megan Anderson Busbice, Michaela Faith Campbell, Emily Lauren Clemente, Katie Margaret Leonard, Jamie Marie Lukow, Lucas Kennedy, and Li-Anne W Wright.
Due to limited in-person capacity, only inductees and their family members have been invited to participate in the ceremony. However, a recording of the ceremony will be available on-demand in late April through UNC’s chapter website.