Dr. David Davis (PhD ’06) awarded 2018 Eudora Welty Prize
Dr. David A. Davis, assistant professor of English at Mercer University (PhD ’06, UNC-CH), was awarded the Eudora Welty Prize during the 30th annual Eudora Welty Writers’ Symposium
Dr. David A. Davis, assistant professor of English at Mercer University (PhD ’06, UNC-CH), was awarded the Eudora Welty Prize during the 30th annual Eudora Welty Writers’ Symposium
The North Carolina Literary Hall of Fame celebrates and promotes the state’s rich literary heritage by “commemorating its leading authors and encouraging the continued flourishing of great literature.”
Dr. Seltzer will lead a seminar entitled “Systems as Usual: Art in the Epoch of Social Systems” and give a talk about “Exercise Machines” on November 1st.
The Department of English and Comparative Literature would like to extend a hearty congratulations to Dr. Eble and thanks her for her many exemplary years of research, teaching, service, and dedication to the Department.
The Department of English and Comparative Literature strongly encourages candidates interested in modernism and transatlantic literature to apply.
Professor Michael McFee is among this year’s recipients of the state’s highest civilian honor, the North Carolina Award. The Award was created in 1961 to recognize significant contributions to the state and nation in the fields of fine arts, literature, public service and science.
Established in 2010 to recognize outstanding service by a UNC faculty member, the award nods to the University’s mission to “extend knowledge‐based service world‐wide.”
Students in Dr. Jeanne Moskal’s class created the exhibit to showcase rare books and artifacts that provide cultural context for Frankenstein in celebration of the novel’s bicentennial.
The new DLC Lab opened this fall under the direction of Dr. Courtney Rivard with assistance by new and returning graduate and undergraduate students.
Laurel Foote-Hudson introduced attendees to innovative pedagogical techniques she uses in her English 105 class, in which she leads her students in designing a game over the course of the semester.