Raleigh 400: A Conference on Sir Walter Raleigh 400 Years After His Death
Wilson LibraryFourteen leading scholars will share their knowledge and current research on the life and impact of Sir Walter Raleigh (1554?-1618).
Fourteen leading scholars will share their knowledge and current research on the life and impact of Sir Walter Raleigh (1554?-1618).
Will West will give a talk.
Please join the Digital Literacy Communications Lab (DLC) in collaboration with the Medieval and Early Modern Studies (MEMS) program for a Medieval game night at The Gathering Place. Dr. Harry Cushman, Assistant Professor of English & Comparative Literature at UNC, … Read more
A panel of alumni and current undergraduate students working on honors theses will present on their research. They will also discuss their experience conducting research and working on premodern topics and materials.
Join the UNC Critical Game Studies Program and the Program in Medieval and Early Modern Studies as they host Dr. Michael Lutz for his talk, "Honest Recreation" from Hamlet to Elsinore.” The talk will take place on November 29th, from … Read more
Come and hear about exciting research happening in Medieval and Early Modern Studies at UNC! Graduate students from departments including English and Comparative Literature, History, Romance Studies, Religious Studies, and Classics will share lightning talks on their current research projects. … Read more