News & Events
Applications Invited for the Carolina Postdoctoral Program for Faculty Diversity

The Department of English and Comparative Literature strongly encourages candidates interested in modernism and transatlantic literature to apply.
UNC’s Michael McFee to receive 2018 North Carolina Award for Literature

Professor Michael McFee is among this year’s recipients of the state’s highest civilian honor, the North Carolina Award. The Award was created in 1961 to recognize significant contributions to the state and nation in the fields of fine arts, literature, public service and science.
Bland Simpson Awarded Edward Kidder Graham Faculty Service Award

Established in 2010 to recognize outstanding service by a UNC faculty member, the award nods to the University’s mission to “extend knowledge‐based service world‐wide.”
Looking Back on “Reconstructing Frankenstein’s Monster: Mary Shelley’s World in Print”

Students in Dr. Jeanne Moskal’s class created the exhibit to showcase rare books and artifacts that provide cultural context for Frankenstein in celebration of the novel’s bicentennial.
Digital Literacy and Communications Lab Brings New Vision to ECL Department

The new DLC Lab opened this fall under the direction of Dr. Courtney Rivard with assistance by new and returning graduate and undergraduate students.
DLC Hosts Inaugural Digital Pedagogy Workshop

Laurel Foote-Hudson introduced attendees to innovative pedagogical techniques she uses in her English 105 class, in which she leads her students in designing a game over the course of the semester.
NC Humanities Council Honors Jane Austen Summer Program

The Jane Austen Summer Program was recognized for its educator capacity-building efforts, a key component of the mission of the North Carolina Humanities Council.
The Story and Song: Music and Conversation with Gillian Welch and David Rawlings

Join us for this year’s Thomas Wolfe Lecture on October 2nd at 7:30PM with award-winning composer-lyricist-performer Gillian Welch.
William Blake Archive Announces Publication of Digital Edition of Blake’s Notebook

Blake’s newly digitized notebook offers a look at the evolution of Blake’s art throughout the Romantic Period.
Sigma Tau Delta: Applications Open for UNC’s ECL Honor Society

The quickly-growing ECL Honor Society has a ton of great events lined up for the Fall semester.
Reading and Book Signing by Tim Z Hernandez, “They Call You Back”
February 12 @ 4:30 pm - 5:30 pm Donovan Lounge, Greenlaw 223Armfield Poetry Reading with Dana Levin
February 27 @ 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm Epilogue BooksCSS Lecture: Rethinking Points of Symmetry: Early American and Appalachian Studies
March 3 @ 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm Donovan Lounge, Greenlaw 223A Reading with Alexander Chee: Hanes Writer in Residence
March 18 @ 7:30 pm - 8:30 pm Hill Hall, Moeser AuditoriumA Reading with Jared Lemus: Kenan Visiting Writer
April 3 @ 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm Donovan Lounge, Greenlaw 223Premodern Literature and Culture Colloquium: Dr. Markus Cruse
February 13 @ 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm Donovan Lounge, Greenlaw 223