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Senior Honors Fiction Reading

On Monday 4/17 and Tuesday 4/18, from 6-7pm, the ten Senior Honors students in fiction will read selections from their thesis manuscripts in Graham Memorial.

Senior Honors Creative Nonfiction Readings

Come celebrate our graduating Honors Creative Nonfiction writers as they read excerpts from the memoirs they have been workshopping all year! The series opens on Wednesday, April 19 at 6:30 pm in Graham Memorial Lounge with Mia Lerner, Cecelia Tucker, … Read more

An Evening with Anna Starobinets

University Room, Hyde Hall

Anna Starobinets is an award-winning Russian writer in exile known for her horror and children’s stories. She will talk about her recently translated memoir, Look at Him, in which she writes honestly and potently about pregnancy, reproductive justice, and healthcare … Read more