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ECL’s Statement of Support of the Black Lives Matter Movement

July 20, 2020

George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Sandra Bland, Akiel Denkins…And too many more. A movement powered by generations that include our own students and alums- the Black Lives Matter Movement- has taken up the call. The Department of English & Comparative Literature supports the movement for Black lives.

ECL Statement on Silent Sam Decision

December 17, 2019

The Department of English & Comparative Literature fully endorses the statement composed by the council of chairs of the College of Arts and Sciences of UNC Chapel Hill.

Silent Sam Speaks

November 14, 2018

The Faculty of the Department of English and Comparative Literature pledge through our teaching, research, and public service to continue the hard work of rooting out racism and inequality and to replace them with “light and liberty,” the motto of our university.

Departmental Statement on Silent Sam

August 24, 2018

On Monday August 20, 2018, the Confederate monument known as Silent Sam was toppled to the ground. ECL faculty to respond to this historic moment.