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By John Albrite

The Critical Speaker Series is excited to announce our fall schedule. This year, we’re offering a multimodal presentation format, with some speakers presenting via Zoom and others joining us in person.

On Wednesday, October 6 (4 PM), we’ll welcome Dr. Anjuli Fatima Raza-Kolb via Zoom for a talk entitled “Indian Country.” The following afternoon, on Thursday, October 7 (4 PM), Dr. Raza-Kolb will hold a Zoom workshop for ECL graduate students and faculty entitled “Where Was 9/11?” Dr. Raza-Kolb is Associate Professor of English at the University of Toronto, where her research and teaching focus on postcolonial literature and theory, the history of science and the environmental humanities, poetry and poetics, and gender and sexuality studies. Her recent book, Epidemic Empire: Colonialism, Contagion, and Terror, 1817–2020, published by the University of Chicago Press in 2020, investigates the metaphorical connection between terrorism and contagion and applies a postcolonial literary perspective to the global War on Terror. Look for an email from CSS over the coming week with information about how to register for both events.

Register for the October 6 lecture, “Indian Country” at this link.

Register for the October 7 seminar, “Where Was 9/11” at this link.

On Thursday, November 4 and Friday, November 5, we’ll be joined in person by Dr. Dorothy Hale. Dr. Hale is Professor of English at Berkeley, where her research and teaching focus on the Anglo-American novel, theories of the novel, and problems of novelistic form. Her most recent book, The Novel and the New Ethics, published by Stanford University Press in 2020, explores how the contemporary emphasis on the social value of the novel has its roots in modernism’s emphasis on narrative form, and especially in the work of Henry James. Look for an email from CSS later in the semester with the titles of Dr. Hale’s talk and workshop, both of which will be held at 3 PM in Greenlaw Hall’s Donovan Lounge, Room 233.

Anyone interested in introducing Drs. Raza-Kolb or Hale should contact the CSS team at

Please also follow the Critical Speaker Series on social media for updates regarding our events: Instagram (@criticalspeakerseries), Twitter (@SeriesCritical), and Facebook.

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