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by Carly Schnitzler, Graduate Communications Editor

The new Digital Literacy and Communications (DLC) Lab opened this Fall under the direction of Dr. Courtney Rivard, English Teaching Assistant Professor, with assistance by new and returning graduate and undergraduate students.

Formerly the SITES (Studio for Instructional Technologies in English Studies) Lab, the DLC Lab has an updated mission and resources to better serve the English and Comparative Literature Department. The new mission is threefold: 1) promote departmental communication, 2) encourage and incubate innovation in teaching, and 3) conduct original research on digital communication.

Dr. Rivard envisions the work of the DLC under her directorship to “encourage a space for faculty and graduate students to explore innovations in teaching and champion evidence-based teaching practices.” The timing of this new vision for the Lab coincides with a greater cultural moment. Rivard says, “In light of the speed and diversity of communication in our digital world, it is important to create a space to explore these modalities of communications, while also raising the social media and web profile of the department so that the larger community can know about the outstanding work being done by the faculty, graduate, and undergraduate students.”

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