News & Events
Dr. Heidi Kim Appointed Director of Asian American Center

Congratulations Dr. Heidi Kim, inaugural director of the Asian American Center!
Student Spotlight: Garland Rieman

Meet Garland Rieman, ECL senior and Jane Austen Summer Program intern!
Meet the Professor: Melissa Faliveno

Welcome, Melissa Faliveno! The Kenan Visiting Writer for 2020-2021, Faliveno joined the ECL Department this fall.
Dr. Rebecka Rutledge Fisher and Dr. Courtney Rivard Named IAH 2020-21 Faculty Fellows

The Institute for the Arts and Humanities named two ECL professors, Dr. Rebecka Rutledge Fisher and Dr. Courtney Rivard, 2020-2021 Faculty Fellows.
Remembering Daphne Athas

Beloved teacher and author, Daphne Athas, died in the early hours of July 28th.
Remembering Sally Sasz

The Department of English and Comparative Literature was deeply saddened to learn of the loss of Sally Sasz ’21 last month.
Kenan Visiting Writer, Melissa Faliveno, releases new book

This year’s Kenan Visiting Writer, Melissa Faliveno, has a new book, TOMBOYLAND, coming out August 4th from Topple Books.
ECL’s Statement of Support of the Black Lives Matter Movement

George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Sandra Bland, Akiel Denkins…And too many more. A movement powered by generations that include our own students and alums- the Black Lives Matter Movement- has taken up the call. The Department of English & Comparative Literature supports the movement for Black lives.
Dr. María DeGuzmán named the Eugene H. Falk Distinguished Professor

Dr. María DeGuzmán has been appointed the Eugene H. Falk Distinguished Professor, an endowed professorship bestowed by the college.
Reading and Book Signing by Tim Z Hernandez, “They Call You Back”
February 12 @ 4:30 pm - 5:30 pm Donovan Lounge, Greenlaw 223Armfield Poetry Reading with Dana Levin
February 27 @ 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm Epilogue BooksCSS Lecture: Rethinking Points of Symmetry: Early American and Appalachian Studies
March 3 @ 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm Donovan Lounge, Greenlaw 223A Reading with Alexander Chee: Hanes Writer in Residence
March 18 @ 7:30 pm - 8:30 pm Hill Hall, Moeser AuditoriumA Reading with Jared Lemus: Kenan Visiting Writer
April 3 @ 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm Donovan Lounge, Greenlaw 223Premodern Literature and Culture Colloquium: Dr. Markus Cruse
February 13 @ 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm Donovan Lounge, Greenlaw 223