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Sally Sasz's bike memorial

Sally Sasz was a wonder, an inspiration, a beam of light.

That any single person could be so blessed with such prodigious energies and artistic gifts, such a genius for friendship, and such a true and loving heart is indeed a natural wonder, and that she shared her bountiful spirit so graciously is a wonder as well.

Tennessee Williams said that what was good, particularly for artists, was an “obsessive interest in human affairs, plus a certain amount of compassion and moral conviction, that first made the experience of living something that must be translated into pigment or music or bodily movement or poetry or prose or anything that’s dynamic and expressive.”

Sally knew this implicitly and certainly always had, for her care and kindness and deep compassion for others, coupled with her extraordinary dynamism and expressiveness, are the hallmarks of how the many people she touched and moved will always remember her.

“In the time of your life, live!” wrote William Saroyan, and if anyone ever took this great imperative as her own, Sally did, living each and every day to its fullest and its best, for she made time an asset, which she knew how to use and use well, letting none of it get away from her till she had made what she would of it, and made it worthy.

We knew Sally Sasz as the greatest of friends, the finest of students. We see her now as an even greater teacher, from whose deep devotion, boundless passion for life, and purity of heart we may all learn forever.


— Bland Simpson
August, 2020

girl on the bike, poem and prose by Raymond Tu


Kind, endlessly giving. Spunky haired,

bright colors and bold strokes

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Remembering Sally Sasz by Jane Danielewicz

In the spring of 2019, Sally enrolled in my English 283 class, Life Writing.  Although the crowded class was full of smart, eager, talkative, and aspiring writers, there was still no way to miss Sally.  Of all the students, she had the widest smile, the brightest eyes; she simply radiated energy and enthusiasm.

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In memoriam by Henry Veggian

“Inspiration is a community phenomenon.”

Sarah “Sally” Sasz wrote these words while she was my student. It was the Fall of 2017 and Sally was enrolled in my afternoon section of “Literature in a Digital Age.

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Our Guardian Angel by Elizabeth Moore

Sweet Sally

Radiant, goofy, selfless, scholar.

Creative, unique, kid-friendly.

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Please see below for other tributes to Sally Sasz

In memory of Sally Sasz ’21 | Morehead-Cain

Sally Sasz | Charlotte Observer

Sarah Sasz 1998 – 2020 – Obituary |

If you would like to send in a memory of Sally please email to