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Zoom Link: (Meeting ID: 934 2562 1211; the full Zoom invitation is available in the email that accompanied this program)


11:00-12:30      Welcome & Faculty Research Panel

With Professors Danielle Christmas, Taylor Cowdery, María DeGuzmán, Florence Dore (DGS), Mary Floyd-Wilson (Chair), Eliza Richards, Kim Stern, Matthew Taylor (DGA), Joe Viscomi, Rick Warner, and Jessica Wolfe


12:30-1:00        Lunch Break (feel free to eat at any point during the Open House)


1:00-2:30          Graduate Student Panel

  1. Welcome: Elisa Faison
  2. Coursework in Years 1 & 2: Jillian Kern

III. Choosing a Committee and Taking Qualifying Exams: Carly Schnitzler

  1. Researching, Writing, and Presenting the Prospectus: Kylan Rice
  2. Researching & Writing the Dissertation: James Cobb
  3. Teaching at UNC: Theodore Nollert

VII. Other Educational and Professionalization Opportunities: Ben Murphy / K. Rice

VIII. Living in Chapel Hill / Carrboro: TBA


15-Minute Break


2:45-3:15          Professionalization and Job Placement

With Prof. Gregg Flaxman, Co-Director of Job Placement


15-Minute Break


3:30-4:30         Recent(ish) Alums of Our Program

Nicholas Gaskill, Associate Professor, Oriel College, University of Oxford

Katherine Walker, Assistant Professor, University of Nevada Las Vegas

Lamar Wilson, Assistant Professor, Florida State University


15-Minute Break


4:45-5:15          Wrap-Up and Concluding Q&A

With Professors Floyd-Wilson (Chair), Dore (DGS), and Taylor (DGA)