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xochi-maría ramos-lara

July 20, 2023


2023, B.A. Gender Studies / English, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill



xochi-maría ramos-lara (she/they) is a doctoral student in english and comparative literature. her main research interest focuses on the (lacanian) subjectivity of gay latinx poets as they wrote during the american aids epidemic of the 80s and 90s, taking into account the presence of the hiv virus itself as an important character. besides this, x. is interested in non-white marxist critiques of the state, hegemonic ideologies, and culture; anti-white violent resistance via brown power (ex. the palestinian intifadas); queer performances of subversion in the american drag and ballroom scenes; and the power dynamics of bareback subculture in gay pornography.

outside of the academy, x. loves writing poetry, collective education on critical ethnic studies, participating in local political action, and going to gay clubs as a form of praxis.


  • “i planted some lavender in my front yard saturday morning,” SAGE, 2024.
  • “afuera,” Screen Door Review, 2023.
  • “white mother,” Carolina Muse: Literary & Arts Magazine, 2023.

Curriculum Vitae / Resume

Izzy G. T. Howard

August 5, 2021


2020, BA English, Trinity College Dublin


Izzy (they/them) is a fourth-year PhD candidate in the Department of English and Comparative Literature. They study the relationship between the soul and body in medieval literary, aesthetic, and dramatic representations of Creation. Their dissertation, Made A Living Soul: Genesis and the Creation of the Soul in Medieval Devotional and Mystic Literature examines ideas of the soul as developed in early medieval Scholastic exegesis, and how these understandings of the soul are complicated and affirmed in medieval devotional and mystic texts.

In their research on the medieval soul and body, Izzy examines the language used to structure the corporeal, physical self and the sensing, feeling, and cognative self alongside theories of queer embodiment, affect, and representations.

Their broader interests include manuscript studies, medieval philosophy and theology, poetics, and literary criticism.


With H.M. Cushman “Bodies on Display” in A Cultural History of Trans Lives in the Middle Ages (300-1445). Bloomsbury. Forthcoming.

Teaching Awards

Latina/o Studies Teaching Fellowship, UNC Latina/o Studies Program, 2022


Donald Howard Travel Scholarship, New Chaucer Society, 2024

Trans Travel Fund, Society for Medieval Feminist Scholarship, 2023

CARA Summer Scholarship, Medieval Academy of America, 2022


Graduate Student Excellence Award, UNC Medieval and Early Modern Studies, 2024

Joseph Breen Award, UNC-Chapel Hill Dept. of English & Comparative Literature, 2023

Research Grant, UNC-Chapel Hill Medieval and Early Modern Studies, 2023

Travel Award, UNC-Chapel Hill Graduate and Professional Student Government, 2023

Travel Grant, UNC-Chapel Hill Dept. of English & Comparative Literature, 2022, 2024

First Class Honours in English Studies, Trinity College Dublin, 2020

Curriculum Vitae / Resume

Katherine Stein

August 5, 2019
Photo of Katherine Stein, taken by Emily Youree


2019, Honors BA English Literature and History, Marquette University


Katherine Stein is a doctoral student at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill studying Victorian literature, with a special focus on historiography and the figure of the child.  Reaching forward from the Victorian period into the early twentieth century, her research is both interdisciplinary and transhistorical, with additional interests in historical fiction (both past and present), national identity, children’s literature, and juvenilia.  Katherine’s work – both inside and outside the university – is deeply invested in publicness and the public humanities.


  • “A Child’s History of England.”  The Literary Encyclopedia.  Edited by Grace Moore, 2023.
  • Co-Editor, Elizabeth Barrett Browning: Selected Early Poems and Prose. Under contract with the Juvenilia Press of Sydney, Australia.  Edited with Laurie Langbauer, Beverly Taylor, and six others, 2023.


  • Juliet McMaster Award for Emerging Scholarship, International Society of Literary Juvenilia (2023)
  • James Peacock REACH Fellowship, UNC Office of the Vice Provost for Global Affairs (2021)
  • Maynard Adams Fellowship for the Public Humanities, UNC-Chapel Hill (2020)
  • Outstanding Scholar of the Year, Marquette University English Department (2019)
  • Walter C. Boden Award for Outstanding Scholarship, Marquette University History Department (2019)

Edward Hyunsoo Yang

April 23, 2018


2015, MA English, Claremont Graduate University

2012, BA English Literature and Political Science, Loyola Marymount University


Eddie is currently a PhD candidate and Teaching Fellow at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. A scholar of British literature of the long eighteenth century, he has particular interests in: authenticity, experimentation with literary form and genre, the Gothic, the history of the novel, influences of popular culture, the material book, and narrative performance.

His dissertation project, entitled Creating Enchantment: a History of the Gothic and Inspiring Interactive Reading, explores the history of intellectual influences on the Gothic, the creative possibilities that writers have found in the genre, and how these writers subsequently experimented with the genre to create a particular reading experience. Bringing together archival research, narrative theory, reader-response theory, and sociological history of reading practices in the long-eighteenth century, he hopes to produce a project that examines how authorial innovation, alongside history of the material book—its paratextual elements, decisions made by publishers, and popular readership—have mediated interactive reading experiences of the Gothic novel in the long eighteenth century.


Teaching Awards

  • Krista Turner Memorial Award for Excellence in Teaching, 2018.


  • English Teaching Assistant Award (Germany), The Fulbright Program, 2016-17.

Curriculum Vitae / Resume

emilio Jesús Taiveaho Peláez

April 23, 2018


  • 2017, BA Critical Studies in English Cultures, Literatures, and Film, University of Wisconsin – Eau Claire
  • 2017, BA Latin American Studies, University of Wisconsin – Eau Claire


emilio Jesús Taiveaho Peláez is a first-generation migrant and a PhD. student—in that order—through the Department of English & Comparative Literature at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. As both poet and scholar, their work engages the intersection of aesthetic experience and political discipline, blending critical, creative, and archival inquiry. Focusing on 20th-century hemispheric experimental poetry, their dissertation (tentatively titled Ojos de Hierba: Walt Whitman’s Children & the American Lyric) probes the shared literary and philosophical history of the Américas through the lens of Neobaroque aesthetics, tracing dissonant and dissident relations in the life and work of figures such as Federico García Lorca, Langston Hughes, Allen Ginsberg, Néstor Perlongher, and Cecilia Vicuña. emilio’s first book of poetry, landskips (words are a hard look), a latinX exploration of the sonics and optics of our contemporary American Landscapes, is forthcoming through The Concern Newsstand.


Teaching Awards

  • Latina/o Studies Teaching Grant – 2020


  • 2017 – Present: Mellon Fellow