Madison Storrs

2017, BA English, Florida State University
2021, MA English, North Carolina State University
Madison Storrs is a first-year PhD student and Teaching Fellow in the Department of English & Comparative Literature. Her research focuses on the intersections of literature, botany, and art of the long 19th century in Britain. In particular, she considers how women incorporated botanical studies into their writing and art practices. She is also interested in British Romanticism, ecocriticism, ontology, aesthetics, design, and visual culture.
Teaching Assistantship, First-Year Writing, North Carolina State University, 2020–2021.
Curriculum Vitae / Resume
Research Interests
Aesthetics | American Literature from 1789 to 1900 | British Literature from 1789 to 1900 | British Literature from 1900 to the Present | Children’s Literature | Depictions Of The Child | Feminist Theory And Gender & Sexuality Studies | Literature and History | Literature and Philosophy | Poetry and Poetics | Science Writing | Travel Writing | Visual Culture and Arts | Women Writers