Charlotte Scott
2o21, BA Comparative Literature and Psychology, Haverford College
2024, MPhil English Literature, Trinity College Dublin
Charlotte Scott (she/her) is a first year PhD student and Teaching Fellow in the Department of English and Comparative Literature. After graduating from Haverford College in Pennsylvania, Charlotte spent two years as a psychology research assistant at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. She then studied modern and contemporary English literature in Ireland at Trinity College Dublin.
Charlotte’s research interests bring together comparative literature and psychology, focusing particularly on 20th and 21st century speculative fiction. She is curious about the potential of speculative/non-realist literature to represent experiences of marginalization and to imagine and create a more just future.
“Wallace Stevens, William Carlos Williams, and Science and Technology in the United States.” Haverford College: Lutnick Library. Exhibition catalogue. 2021.
- Haverford College Augustus Taber Murray Fellowship, 2024
- Phi Beta Kappa, 2020
Research Interests
African American Literature | American Literature to 1900 to the present | British Literature from 1900 to the Present | Children’s Literature | Comparative Literature | Contemporary Multiethnic American Literature | Digital Humanities | Disability Studies | Fantasy | Irish Literature | Literature and Science | Queer Theory | Science Fiction | Social Justice | Women Writers