Specializing in Victorian literature and culture, especially poetry and women novelists, Beverly Taylor has published on Byron, Shelley, Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Tennyson, Robert Browning, Elizabeth Siddal, Arnold, Carlyle, and Charlotte Bronte. She has also written on nineteenth- and twentieth-century Arthurian literature, the poet Francis Thompson, Victorian art, Chaucer, Gottfried von Strassburg, and Neo-Victorian fiction. She currently concentrates on Elizabeth Barrett Browning, the subject of her book manuscript now under review.
1977, PhD English, Duke University
1970, MA, English, Duke University
1969, BAE, English, University of Mississippi
The Works of Elizabeth Barrett Browning. Co-edited with Sandra Donaldson, Marjorie Stone, Rita Patteson. Five vols., nearly 3,000 pp. Volume co-editor for vols. 1, 2, and 5 (2,022 pp.: lxxx + 546, 588, xxix + 779 pp.). London: Pickering & Chatto, 2010. A fully annotated scholarly edition including approximately 500 pp. of previously unpublished works edited from holograph manuscripts.
Elizabeth Barrett Browning: Selected Poems, co-edited with Marjorie Stone. An annotated critical edition. Peterborough, Ontario: Broadview Press, 2009, xxiv + 368 pp.
Elizabeth Barrett Browning, 1806-2006, co-edited with Marjorie Stone, special Bicentenary Issue of Victorian Poetry, 2006, 211 pp.
“Elizabeth Barrett Browning’s Unpublished Vaucluse Fragment and a Poetics in Transition: ‘Wilder ever still & wilder!,’” co-authored with Marjorie Stone, Victorian Poetry, forthcoming. 48 pp.
“The Gender Politics of Portraiture in The Professor,” Victorians Journal 130, Charlotte Brontë bicentenary issue, guest editor Deborah Denenholz Morse (Fall 2016), 170-94.