With all that has been happening this semester, we wanted to make sure that we took a moment to give credit to ECL’s amazing honors thesis students. These students, in their final year, worked to produce roughly 35-80 pages of original research into a topic of their choosing.
While we are unable to recognize these students in person, we congratulate these students and their advisors!
Please read more about these students here.
Below is the list of students, their theses, and their directors. These theses will all eventually be housed in the university library system. The list is as follows:
Alexandria Morgan Andrews, “‘A perilous and terrible medicine’: Milton and the Problem of Divorce in Protestant England,” dir. Reid Barbour
John Collier Cobb, “Consciousness and Natureculture: Tracing Dualisms in To the Lighthouse and Between the Acts,” dir. Pamela Cooper
Jack Crouse, “Dramatic Censorship and the Children of the Blackfriars, 1603-1608,” dir. David Baker
Julia Alden Glass, “Artistic Practice and Mental Illness in Film,” dir. Martin Johnson and Rick Warner
Lenore Harrison, “Virginia Woolf’s Language of Gothic Fiction in The Voyage Out and Between the Acts,” dir. Pamela Cooper
Suiyun Pan (David), “Homer’s Helen and Bai Juyi’s Yuhuan: Beauty, Subjectivity, and Ethics,” dir. Li-ling Hsiao and Shayne Legassie
Elizabeth Fletcher Garland Rieman, “The Ultimate Adventure: Exploring the Religious Roots and Gender Politics of Victorian Era Children’s Adventure Fiction,” dir. Kimberly Stern
Shawna Sheperd, “Space and Psychology in Charlotte Brontë’s Villette,” dir. Kimberly Stern
McKenzie Marie Taranto, “Star Trek: The Next Interpretation; Changing Notions of American Citizenship in The Original Series,” dir. Sarah Boyd
Graham Lockwood Weaver, “Authorship and Accountability: Bakhtinian Authorial Presence in Fyodor Dostoevsky’s The Brothers Karamazov, William Faulkner’s Absalom, Absalom!, and Vladimir Nabokov’s Lolita,” dir. Eric Downing and Stanislav Shvabrin
Sarah White, “Women and Children First: The Complexity of Societal Change in Dracula and NOS4A2,” dir. Guillermo Rodríguez-Romaguera